Monday, August 23, 2010

Northern Idaho/Montana - Route of the Hiawatha, Bridges

There are more than tunnels as you bike the Route of the Hiawatha.  The 15-mile bike ride also goes across the old bridges.

Take the time to stop and enjoy the views along the way.  They are stunning.  It took a couple of hours to make the trek but we could have easily done in either less time or more time.  We stopped along the way to take pictures and just look.  The ride down can be a little bumpy because the trail is made up of gravel and small rocks.  After you reach the bottom you can ride the shuttle bus back to the entrance of the St. Paul tunnel.  To get to your car you have to ride another 2 miles through the tunnel.  All in all it was a great activity that I would do again if I had the time and was in the area.

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