Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Jackson, WY - A Tale of Two Logs

I was going through some old pictures and I found some pictures from our Jackson Hole trip back in January.

This is Betsy.

These are snow machines.

One day Betsy, Jim (her husband and Justin's uncle), Justin, and I went riding on the snow machines.  Betsy and I were nervous riders at first but towards the end of the day we were getting more confident in our riding. 

Betsy and I got so confident in our riding that we were leaving the tracks created by Jim and Justin and blazing our own.  Then Betsy went airborne over log #1.

That wouldn't have been so bad except when she landed...the front end of the snow machine ran into this...log #2.

She wasn't hurt except for her pride.  But it was definitely a wake up call to the dangers of riding snow machines on the lake bed.  Even though this happened we had a blast and are ready to go again this winter.

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