Saturday, July 10, 2010

Maui, Hawaii - Haleakala Biking Part 2

The ride down the mountain was exhilarating. The sights were beautiful. Below are some pictures from the ride down the mountain. This picture was taken at the base of the mountain with about 10 miles still to go because the bike shop was in town.

Due to my irrational fear of heights and the fact that the camera was brand new, I let Justin have control of the camera while we were biking. Here we had pulled over to take pictures of the beautiful scenery. As you can see Justin took pictures of me, ...

our shadows, ...

Hey, look that's the view I was talking about.

The rules of biking down the mountain said you were supposed to stay on the shoulder of the road. As you can see in the next picture that was not always the easiest thing to do. The shoulders were small and in lots of places you had to contend with debris, such as rocks and leaves.

Along the ride you come around the corner and this smell hits you and you just relax. There was a large lavendar farm. Here is a small one along the route down.

Here goes Justin again trying to be artsy and taking pictures of random trees.

We stopped for a snack and the bikes just looked so interesting up against the fence so I snapped a picture. It was my turn to play with the camera. :-)

Who's this scary person?

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