Thursday, July 22, 2010

Viper Cruise - Sam Houston National Forest

A couple of months ago Justin finally realized one of his dreams...he bought his dream car.  A 1996 Dodge Viper.  This was something he has wanted since at least 1998 when his dad was searching for his sports car. 

This past weekend we had a Viper weekend where we went cruising Saturday and Sunday.  His Viper is the blue and white one on the left side of the picture.  I will post better pictures in the near future.  I promise.

As you can see from the above picture there were plenty of others joining us for this particular cruise.  12 Vipers and 2 Challengers to be exact.  We started in the Tomball area and drove through the Sam Houston National Forest.

There were Vipers to the front...

And the back of us throughout the day.

We stopped at the GORGEOUS home of one of the Viper Club members.  I think it took about 30 minutes before everyone picked their jaws up off of the floor after walking in the house.

Seeing 14 sports cars drive down the street sometimes elicits stares and smiles, this time we got a peace sign.  I missed the picture of the family coming out of church to see us drive by.  The look on their faces was priceless and I wish I would have had my camera ready.


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