Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Maui, Hawaii - Kite Surfing

Another set of pictures that were mysteriously lost on my hard drive...

In Maui, we stopped at the beach close to the airport to watch the kite surfers.  The height that these people were getting was amazing.

While we were watching there was a lady who was out for her first kite surfing lesson.  They initially make you learn to fly the kite from the beach.  Then once she got the hang of that, they let her go into the water.  Only we thought they were going to put a board on her once she got in there.  Nope.  She continued to get dragged through the water.  Initially we were scared for her being dragged through the water with no board but her instructors were not worried one bit.  She finally made it back to shore and we asked here how it was.  All she could say was..."WOW!!"  Justin really wanted to try it but the initial lesson is a minimum of 6 hours.  There is always next time.

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