Thursday, September 18, 2008

Final Pictures of House #1

Here are the highlights of the first house. This house is finally on the market!! The kitchen is probably my favorite room in this house. It turned out exactly the way I wanted it.

The backyard changed quite a bit. There used to be banana trees all over the backyard but we pulled those up as best we could. They are still popping up every once in a while. TIP: Unless you want banana trees forever...don't plant them. They don't go ever stop growing!!!

The family room turned out nice. Taking down the cabinets between the kitchen and family room really helped open up the room.

The dining room table is on loan from Aimee and Ray (thanks!).

The master bath turned out amazing. I am going to miss this room. The next house has a much smaller master bath.

The closet is something we are going to miss as well. The master at the new has smaller closets that will take some getting used to.

The master bedroom is below. Pretty typical.

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