Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Yellowstone National Park - Grizzlies

Driving along on Day 2 of our park trek, we came across several cars on the side of the road with people out looking through binoculars and pointing.  We decided to stop and see what they were looking at.  They thought they were looking at big-horn sheep but they were so far away it was impossible to tell.  As we were standing there someone yells "grizzly.....RUN!!"  Next thing we know there is a momma grizzly coming down the hill on one side of the road straight towards us.  Then her 2 cubs come right along behind her.  The momma really didn't give a hoot that we were all there.  Justin swears he could have grabbed one of the cubs and gotten it in the back of the car before the mom would have noticed.  Haha.

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