Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Yellowstone National Park - Kepler Cascades

Our first stop after entering Yellowstone was at the Kepler Cascades.  I wasn't sure what to expect and forgot to take the camera bag with my other lens.  Well I had the wrong lens for this stop.  There is an overlook to see these falls but to the side there is a "path" where you can get down to them.  Justin started down first and reached the bottom before I overcame my fear of heights and began my descent.  Because I had the telephoto lens on I didn't really get any good pictures from the bottom of the cliff.

Just to give you an idea of the height we climbed down here is Justin sitting on the cliff.  I Was standing on the lookout.  Don't worry we didn't have to scale the cliff.  There was an actual path to get down there but it was pretty steep.

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