Sunday, August 30, 2009

Idaho Falls

A few days after we got back from Seattle we lost a dear member of the family...Justin's grandfather passed away. He was an amazing man and will always be remembered and loved. Justin and I travelled to Idaho Falls to attend the funeral. We flew into Jackson, WY and were greeted by the Tetons. Beautiful!!

We were waiting on Justin's sister to come in before driving to Idaho so we drove around Jackson and saw a moose.

Justin showed me around Idaho Falls, where he spent many summers as a child. We went to the falls in downtown Idado Falls.

One of Justin's nieces made the trip. Carsyn is such a seasoned traveller and she is not even 1 yet! On the flight from Jackson to Denver Justin got the pleasure of holding her. She was out before we even left the ground! He loves that part of being an uncle.

Seattle, Washington - San Juan Islands - Lime Kiln State Park and Roche Harbor

One of our next stops was at Lime Kiln State Park. We were told that if we were going to see any Orcas this would be the place...we didn't see any.

Here is the Lime Kiln Lighthouse.

Next up...lunch! We stopped in at Roche Harbor, which is the other town on the island besides Friday Harbor. A cute town with cute houses and nice boats for Justin to look at.

Just a note...that is someone's dinghy. Just imagine what their real boat looks like! Roche Harbor was home to the lime kilns of the area.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Seattle, Washington - San Juan Islands - American Camp

Justin and I made a day trip from Seattle to the San Juan Islands. We started our trek in Friday Harbor. The first stop was at the American camp that was used during the Pig War. It falls under the category of "REALLY Obscure War". This is something neither of us knew happened. I will save you the history lesson but if you are interested you head here .

Here is the layout of the camp.

Many of the buildings are gone but some have been rebuilt or restored.

Seattle, Washington - An Incredible View

Justin and I were lucky enough to spend a few days staying with Jim and Betsy before moving to a hotel for the remainder of our stay. We don't get to spend enough time with them and truly enjoy their company when we do. The evenings were spent drinking wine (ok ok...lots of wine) on their patio which overlooks the Puget Sound. Being from Texas you don't get to enjoy the evenings outside because of heat so we took full advantage of the nice weather. The pictures below don't really do the view justice.

Seattle, Washington - Relaxing at the Lake

I am finally going to update the blog. It has been pretty busy lately but I will do my best to update everyone completely. We went to Seattle for Justin's cousin's wedding. We had a great time. We were able to catch up with all the family and do a little relaxing. Justin's aunt's brother and sister-in-law have a beautiful house on a small lake north of Seattle.

It was a bit of a drive from Jim and Betsy's to the lake so Deuce took a little nap on Justin.

It is an "electric motor only" lake so no noisy boats or jet skis to disturb the peace. We all spent the day out there and took a spin around the lake on their dock.

Justin had just gotten his iPhone so here is a picture I snapped of him using it (which he does a lot) ya darling!!

After the dock ride around the lake we played with the other toys available. Justin took a spin by himself and then a canoe ride with his uncle Joel.

We finished the day hanging out and eating dinner on the "beach" and enjoying the beautiful scenery.