Sunday, May 10, 2009

House #3 - Coming Along

Our third house is coming right along. At this point the painting has started and is just about done. The tile is currently going in. As you can see we took at the wall inbetween the family room at the dinning room. You probably can't tell from the pictures but the layout of this house is the exact same as the house on Burlinghall.

Paint as been completed.....well except for the baseboards. So the lights are starting to be installed.

This was a big delima.......what to do about the fireplace. When I first bought the house I was orignally planning on taking it out but then after removing the sheetrock and taking a better look at it, figured it can stay......Might have just been the cheap side of me coming into play but after it is covered in Travertine it should look pretty good.

It took a little long to finish the kitchen than I had planned.....probably because everytime I was off I kept getting called into work. I desided to move around the appliances in order to give it an open feel to the family room. The range used to be on the right and now will be in the cutout of the cabinets and the fridge will be on the right.

There used to be a makeup nook but that has been taken out to make room for a larger shower....
That is currently being held up because of the city's inability to issue a permit to the correct address. Government is great!!!

Below you can see that the tile has started going in. Now we tried to find a nice tile to make this place stand of course we had to go with Travertine. Probably too nice of a floor for the area but oh well.

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